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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Rosy serves as a house mom in Honduras caring for four girls. She desires to use her law degree to be an advocate for the children of her country.
Kelsey serves as a house mom in Honduras, caring for five abandoned children. Her heart is to give these kids a loving home and point them to Jesus.
Dave and Polly served as mentors in Asia for many years. They still provide leadership training during short-term trips and distance learning.
Joe & Becky are preparing to serve in Central Asia.
After serving in four Latin American countries, Jerry and Miok focused on training leaders and making disciples using a program they developed.
Philip and Dasha minister through discipleship and teaching. They desire to see Russian people become strong disciples of Jesus.
Victoria serves in Honduras as a house-mom and a nurse at PTC. She provides these children with a safe and loving family, pointing them to Jesus.
Gasita Rutebuka Murondanyi, is a born-again evangelist & missionary with a vision to reach the thousands of refugees from the Congo.
Madeline is preparing to serve in Oaxaca, Mexico, where she will help start a children's ministry for a new church.