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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Cassie serves as a house mom with a children's home in Honduras where she cares for four children.
Jim and Brenda bear a passionate burden for Ireland and Europe. They desire to see renewed unity and focus in the church in Europe.
Morris and Sarah serve as member care providers to missionaries within WIM. They minister through spiritual and personal counsel.
David and Lily serve in church planting in Mexico. They pastor two churches and desire to start a Christian school and open a bible school.
Anna works in the field of maternal-child health and is passionate about using those skills in the Middle East.
Jessica joined WIM in March of 2024. She is serving at PTC in Honduras. She serves as a house mom to three children.
Richard and June serve through Campers for Christ, a Christian camping ministry for tent and RV campers. They share Jesus everywhere they go.
John and Joann oversee the operations of a ministry which produces training videos and Bible school materials that are shared around the world.
Roberto and Maury serve in Bolivia where they write and produce a weekly children’s television program. They also train children’s workers.